Hedge Golf Apparel
Meagan Ouderkirk and Antonia DiPaolo, the founders of Hedge apparel, talks about their brand and what it represents in today’s world of tennis and golf attire. They have a deep respect for tradition and they noticed there was a need for a brand that offers a modest look, while still being feminine and flattering to your figure.
Hedge Golf is one of the classiest apparel brands out there, born out of a desire to look lovely on the tennis court, demure on the golf course and elegant the rest of the day. Why not meld the elegance of the cocktail dress with the comfort of workout clothes?
- Can you tell me about how the company started?
Megan and I played tennis 5 years ago and it occured to me that we were fed up with what’s on the market today. The clothes being offered are too tight and too short. It’s not ladylike at all, so we saw a real need for something different that we could offer. We wanted to go from the tennis to golf course and out to dinner and still feel elegant wearing the looks we want to send out to the world.
- What do you think about the new LPGA dress code that was put into place last June?
Nobody likes anybody telling them what to wear of course, but we support the rules because we like a more conservative look. When you play your sport you should wear something that makes you feel confident and elegant. We play our sports in very conservative environments in the Northeast. That’s our lifestyle, so we prefer the more demure feeling. Our advice? Choose the clothes that flatter your figure. You pick what makes your body look good and that in turn gives you confidence, whether your at that sport or at the party.
- What was the inspiration behind creating your golf collection?
When we first establishing our first collection we went through our wardrobe and picked our most fabulous pieces. This is how we had the idea to create our signature Dune dress with the collar that it has. When you apply a certain waistline to the dress, it styles and shapes in a way that flatters the female figure which was our first step. We also wanted to make a longer skirt, which wasn’t really on the market at the time. The fabrics took over a year to create (high performance poly) and it feels so wonderful on your skin. Some of the things on the market didn’t feel as good against your skin. We are very conscious about this.
- What are some of your favorite golf outfits from your line?
The Dune Racerback Dress is our biggest seller because it looks good on everyone. The Darrow Skirt is flattering on on every figure and its a little longer so if you have a longer torso it doesnt comes off as easily. It brings your best features forward and it’s very feminine.

- Are you planning on creating a new collection anytime soon?
We are in the midst right now and we are debuting our knockout pieces in the PGA Merchandise Show in a few weeks. All our clothes are being made in Turkey as we speak.
- Is there anything else about your brand you would like to mention?
The conept behind the line is how you can dress a certain way when you go out and your clothing doesn’t have to look like workout gear! Our line is disguised so that it doesn’t look like athletic attire. You can use it for both golf and going out with your friends. I get stopped everywhere I go with people asking me“where did you get that dress?” It’s really exciting.